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Sustainable Fashion Episodes

July 13, 2021

#182 - The New Fashion Entrepreneur: What Leadership in Fashion Must …

📄  🌍  🎬  More than simply a response to the altruistic call of social responsibility, the participation of entrepreneurs in the burgeoning sustainable fashion industry is also, at the bottom line, a smart business decision....

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June 29, 2021

#180 - How to Get from a Linear to Circular Fashion Economy With Ash…

Fashion, as we know it, is linear. From material extraction to textile production, design, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and end of life, the fashion industry is designed to maximize clothing sales. But what if that business model could shift?

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June 8, 2021

#177 - How to Avoid Fast Fashion: Solutions & A New Relationship to O…

In this episode, Cory speaks with Amy Hall about her 28-year career with Eileen Fisher; social consciousness work including environmental sustainability, human rights, philanthropy and policy; her new consultancy Impactorum; fast fashion solutions; and what sustainability in fashion can look like.

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May 25, 2021

#175 - Inclusivity, Exclusivity, and Sustainability in Fashion, with …

Cassell Ferere is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of PAGE Magazine, the world’s first magazine covering sustainable fashion. His work focuses on making sustainable fashion more accessible to everyone.

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April 20, 2021

#169 - The Rana Plaza Collapse: What Happened & What it Means for the…

📄  🎬 In April of 2013, the Rana Plaza building collapsed, killing 1,132 people and maiming more than 2,500 others. This tragedy became a symbol of the fashion industry’s impact and need for sustainable reform.  April 24, 2021 marks...

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Oct. 29, 2020

#128 - How Can Circular Fashion Reverse Climate Change? with Shamini …

Today, we're chatting with Shamini Dhana, CEO & Founder of Dhana Inc.

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