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Asheen Phansey

Asheen Phansey Profile Photo

CEO, Co-Founder

I’m a sustainability professional, and have worked in the sustainability field since around 2006. I’ve overseen chemical safety in the biotech industry, commercialized biomimetic technologies in the aerospace industry, and led my own consultancy in sustainable innovation. I serve currently as the global head of sustainable innovation for a $3B software company. I also teach sustainable entrepreneurship to MBA students as an adjunct professor at a globally ranked b-school.

I specialize in sustainable innovation topics, including biomimicry (nature-inspired design), life cycle assessment (LCA) and carbon footprinting, cradle-to-cradle or closed-loop production, and green marketing. I have degrees in chemical engineering and business, and training from the Biomimicry Institute.

Dec. 30, 2021

#204 - 10 Impact Business Leaders Using Business as a Force for Good (part 2)

Welcome back to part two of this special project, where we recap some of the strongest moments from our guests recorded throughout the year to close out 2021! Featured in this two-part series are ten impact business leaders who are changing the course of business for the good of the planet and peop…
June 29, 2021

#180 - How to Get from a Linear to Circular Fashion Economy With Asheen Phansey and Monica Park of Eleven Radius

Fashion, as we know it, is linear. From material extraction to textile production, design, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and end of life, the fashion industry is designed to maximize clothing sales. But what if that business model could shift?