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Media & Journalism Episodes

Feb. 22, 2022

#213 - How the Business and Media of Fashion Co-Exist, with Tara Dona…

It’s easy to get distracted by the flashy surface of the fashion industry, but it’s the sinister underbelly that we need to delve into to truly start making a difference. Today we are joined by Tara Donaldson, Executive Editor of WWD, Founder of The Diversity List, and former Editorial Director of …

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Feb. 15, 2022

#212 - Why the World Needs *Real* Good News Right Now, with Branden H…

Now, more than ever, we need a dose of good news. The past few years have seen an ever-increasing wave of negative stories that are hard to ignore. Our guest today is trying to change some of that.  Branden Harvey aims to spread 'real good news' to inspire action and hope in his readers, listeners,…

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April 22, 2021

#170 - What is Solutions Journalism & Why Is It so Important for Medi…

The Solutions Journalism Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting newsrooms and journalists who are sharing solutions stories.

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