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#62 - Social Enterprise Marketing: The 6-Step Framework to Marketing a Mission-Driven Business Online
February 11, 2020

#62 - Social Enterprise Marketing: The 6-Step Framework to Marketing a Mission-Driven Business Online

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See Full Show Notes here: Running a social enterprise, let alone marketing a social enterprise, is inherently more difficult.   You, as a social entrepreneur, have set your standards higher.  Achieving a profitable business model...

See Full Show Notes here: https://growensemble.com/social-enterprise-marketing/

Running a social enterprise, let alone marketing a social enterprise, is inherently more difficult.  

You, as a social entrepreneur, have set your standards higher. 

Achieving a profitable business model isn’t enough. 

You’ve also determined to use your business as a force for good, to make an impact.

Whether you’ve determined to address chronic and systemic inequality, or the greatest environmental problems of our time, you’ve set your sights on a business model that’s about much more than doing business as usual.  

And that’s why we want to see you succeed, get found online by potential customers and advocates of your brand, and accelerate the change you are looking to make in your industry and within the lives of your customers. 

At Grow Ensemble, we’ve developed a Framework, a step-by-step marketing system built specifically for growing successful social enterprises and purpose-driven businesses. 

This has come from my own work, where I took up digital marketing on the side in college, to starting my career in a digital marketing agency where I eventually became the CEO. At the time, I supervised nearly 100 client accounts, now, with Grow Ensemble, we produce a weekly podcast that has grown in listenership 289% year over year as well as a blog, that has helped increase our website traffic 267% over last year. 

In efforts to accelerate this movement of social entrepreneurship and sustainable business, we help our purpose-driven clients to do the same—build their audiences online, compete and beat other traditional profit-centric businesses in their marketplace, all using our now tried and tested Grow Ensemble Framework

And that is in part our goal for this post as well, to help you and your social enterprise get a game plan for marketing and messaging both your brand and mission online to build an audience of customers and advocates, to advance your impact even further (online and offline). 

In this episode, we’ll start by outlining and introducing the principles that underlie this strategy, then we’ll dive deeper into each phase so you can get a sense for doing them yourself.